Frequently Asked Questions

Buy wholesale, sell retail. You make the difference.
General Questions
What’s this about?
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Why did you build this?
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How do I join?
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What are the requirements?
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What is the best way to communicate with you?
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Are there any minimums I have to meet when I or my clients place an order?
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Can I get a quote prior to placing an order?
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Can I get samples?
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Can I show product from any of your vendors?
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Do I have to pay taxes on anything that sells through SideDoor?
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Is there a limit to the number of products I can show?
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What about custom product?
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Do I need to submit a PO to SideDoor or to the Vendor?
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Do you handle correspondence with clients prior to purchase?
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I already have an account with some of your vendors. Can I still order directly through them?
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What if I want to show products from a vendor not on your list?
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Does this integrate with my Project Management Software or Quickbooks?
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How can I use this to sell to my social media followers?
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What if I don't have a website?
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Do you mark up freight, shipping, or handling?
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Do you mark up product above the vendors’ Designer Price?
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What happens if an order arrives damaged?
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How are damages in transit handled?
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How are returns handled?
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What if my client isn't ready for the delivery?
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The Money
How do I make money?
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How does SideDoor make money?
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How does the commission payment work?
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Who pays the credit card processing fee?
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Will I receive a 1099 from SideDoor?
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Explore Stories

Learn how others used SideDoor to be successful

How a Busy Mom and Designer Increased her E-Design profits by 100%
Case Study 1
How a Busy Mom and Designer Increased her E-Design profits by 100%
Case Study 2
How a Busy Mom and Designer Increased her E-Design profits by 100%
Case Study 3
How a Busy Mom and Designer Increased her E-Design profits by 100%
Case Study 1
How a Busy Mom and Designer Increased her E-Design profits by 100%
Case Study 2
How a Busy Mom and Designer Increased her E-Design profits by 100%
Case Study 3

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